THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (2024)

A place to let creativity flow.
Feel free to send in your ideas.

Anonymous asked:

Ahh sorry i was the one that sent 21, 29 and the maybe 47 which you dont have to do but uhhh i forgot to add💙Henry Cavill💙 as choice, sorry!

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (2)

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (3)


21. “Is that my shirt?”

29. “Stop with that stupid grin thing.”

47. “You’re drunk.”


A/N: Hi! Sorry it’s quite short, hope you like it. Thank you for requesting. (Probably not what you expected haha)

Just like every friday night, you were out taking Kal for a walk before dinner. Henry was about to take a shower when you left. You thought he might have already finished by now, so you decided it’d be better to head back home. The sky was clear, but the wind blew colder than ever making you shiver.

Kal started running toward the front door once he saw your home. Keeping up with him, you took your keys out of you pocket and opened the front door. Kal was the first to get inside, you followed him suit. Hanging you keys a few feet away from the door you turned around looking for any sign of the men of the house.

You heard some noise coming from what you thought was the kitchen and decided to follow it. Kal was already lying on the floor right beside the kitchen-isle. What your eyes saw next almost made you choke.

Is that my shirt?” You asked.

“No, it’s not.” He said looking in the mirror.

“Yes, yes it is.” You chuckled.

“But you are smaller than me. It wouldn’t fit if it was actually yours…” He reasoned.

“It’s an oversized shirt Henry. And It seems a bit tight on you. Can you even breath? I feel like one of the buttons might just pop out any moment.” You told him, a smile on your face.

“Well, you are always wearing my shirts, why can’t I wear one of yours?” He said. “Stop with that stupid grin thing.”

You’re drunk.” You told him.

“No, I’m not. I just… I wanted to know how you felt whenever you wore my clothes. I was curious, ok?” He admitted making you laugh.

“You want to know how I feel?” You asked him wrapping your arms around his waist. “Like this. Like you’re wrapping your arms around me. Keeping me warm. Caressing me. While your smell follows me wherever I go.”

“That sounds nice, is that why you always wear the while I’m away?”

“Yup. That way I miss you a tiny little less.”

“Is that how you feel now?”

“Not exactly…” He admitted.

“How do you feel?” You asked him.

“Well… It is a little tight.” He stated. “I don’t think I could do much without ripping it.”

“I agree.” You said. “I wouldn’t like that. Maybe you should take it off.” You proposed raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You little perv” He said covering himself with his arms. “What did I marry into?”

“What did you marry into? More like, what did I marry into?” You told him leaving the room.

henry cavill x reader henry cavill imagine

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LOVE ON THE FIELD - Spencer Reid x Female!Reader

[Part II]


“A Pale Clouded Yellow butterfly?” Y/N questioned taking the frame JJ was offering her in her hands.

“Yes, they are indigenous to Europe. Britain mainly. How did you know?” She asked.

“I’ve- read about them before.” Y/N said focusing her gaze on the black frame. “ ‘She has been searched for yes never found.’ What does that mean?”

“That’s what we’re supposed to find out.”

The doors to the conference room suddenly opened and from them three new figures appeared. One, Y/N already knew. The other two, she had no idea who they were.

“How much sleep have you gotten in the last 24 hours?” Agent Hotchner was asking the female agent walking by his side.

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LOVE ON THE FIELD - Spencer Reid x Female!Reader

Y/N Y/L/N is detective and cybersecurity expert working for the National Center for Analysis of Violent Crime who has recently been transferred into the Behavioral Analysis Unit after being considered a suspect on the hacking of her former unit’s database.

Now, busier than ever before, she must work along her new team to solve whatever cases come their way. All while trying to prove her own innocence in the meantime.

But her job will not be so easy, as the cases start to pile up at the BAU keeping her from having any spare time to work on her own. With what she suspects to be suspicious obstruction and personal dilemmas standing in her way, will she be able to make it? Or will she lose everything and end up in jail?

Hi guys! This story will follow the end of the first season of Criminal Minds, along with its second season; but there will also be some changes that might not follow the show’s plotline.

Also, English is not my first language and I simply use this for practice so please bear with me.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it! ☺️

Master list:

Part I

Part II

Part III

spencer reid x reader spencer reid x you spencer reid x y/n spencer reid spencer reid fanfiction spencer reid fanfic criminal minds fanfic

LOVE ON THE FIELD - Spencer Reid x Female!Reader

[Part I]

The smell of burnt coffee filled her nostrils as she walked into the kitchen. Rubbing her damped hair with a gray cotton towel, she stared at the back of the person responsible for the scent that was now filling her apartment. In the meantime, Layla, her older sister carefully poured the dark liquid into a pair of mugs. ‘What are you still doing here?’, she had asked making her jump with surprise.

Y/N wasn’t used to that picture. Even the concept of breakfast was an unusual thing for her. The last time she remembered having a proper breakfast was probably during her middle school days. And those days were far behind her.

Being the workaholic she was, Y/N was most days already gone by the time the sun had come up; And juggling between some sleep and work, breakfast was rarely a thought that crossed her mind. Today, things were rather different though. It was her first day of work after her suspension. And not just that but, she had also been transferred into a different unit which meant she would have to work with people she did not know and under different circ*mstances. It was safe to say she was not really that eager to get to the new office nor to meet any new people.

Rumors always traveled fast between the different units and Y/N could already imagine the ones being spread about her.

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LOVE ON THE FIELD - Spencer Reid x Female!Reader

[Part III]


After every clue the unsub had laid for them had been found, the team regrouped once again at the conference room where the rest of pieces had been set. Sat around the table and in front of the TV, the DVD started to play. The image it showed was of a desk and a man that walked towards his seat right behind it. Wearing a dark suit and with his face hidden in the shadows, he spoke directly at them.

“He moves funny.” Hotchner commented. “It’s like he’s injured or something.”

“I assure you,” The man on the screen began. “you will all understand in the end why it must be this way. You might even thank me.”

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NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?

thank you for the tag @https-stay 💕💕💕

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (9)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (10)

tagging: anyone who wants to play along!


Thank you for the tag @tonystarksfavoritedaughter 💛

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (12)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (13)

Oh ok ok 🤭

No pressure tag: @crazycookiecrumbles @fluffyprettykitty @chicken-fifi


THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (15)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (16)

ty you baby linda for the tag! I’m watching youtube in the background :D

tagging @alohastyles-x, @aynanasstuff, @matt-erialgirl


Oo this sounds fun

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (18)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (19)

Why do these kinda go together so well.

Tagging: @atlaese @asgardwinter and @theyear1980 <3


i guess it’s time to start my acting career :)

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (21)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (22)

no pressure tags 💕 @haeva @writing-for-marvel @beakeoghan @aphrogeneias @brightjupter @poetic-fiasco @janetsnakehole02


Thank you for the tags @asgardwinter @fluffycutecevans and @buckys-dollface

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (24)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (25)

No pressure tags: @demonpoxballad @buckysbirdie @obsidianvibranium @gitasor @theosbucky @bxcketbarnes and anyone else who would like to

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (26)

buckysbirdie buckysbirdie

Ooohh I love this game!!

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (27)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (28)

I’m so here for it!!

No pressure tags: @doll1917 @fandoms-writings @lunarbuck @howlermonkey69 @sunshinexhotchner


Thanks for the tag @buckysbirdie 🤍

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (30)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (31)

No pressure tags: @pretty-vulture @cwbucky @buckysswinter @jadedvibes and anyone else who would like to participate :)


Thanks for the tag lovely! @buckysswinter

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (36)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (37)



Thank you for the tag!

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (39)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (40)

Yes! I volunteer to do it


Nobody tagged me, but I wanted to play. 😅 haha.

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (42)
THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (43)

Yes! Please and thank you! 😊


suueeeeeee asked:

Ayyyyy, I’ve seen this pic where a doggo is standing protectively behind a woman and the caption is when you train your dog to be protective of your woman and you have a slight disagreement. Can you do that with Henry? Kal being overprotective of you after you and Henry fight? Thanks loads. Xx

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (44)

hangonimwriting answered:

THE ONE WITH THE FIGHT - Henry Cavill x Reader.

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (45)

[A/N: Sorry It’s a bit short, hope you like it. ]

“So it all comes back to this huh?” Henry asked, disappointment written all over his face.

“What are you talking about?” You asked.

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THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (46)


My first post to reach 1k notes! I find crazy the amount of love this particular post is constantly receiving. Any time I get a new notification, I always know it gonna be about this post. I don’t know why but people seem to like this one more than any other. Lol.

Thank you guys so much for your support, it means a lot! 💙

henry cavill x reader henry cavill imagine henry cavill fic henry cavill fanfic henry cavill imagines

THE REUNION - Henry Cavill x Reader!

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (48)

[A/N 1: Hello everyone! Sorry this took so long! I’ve been working non-stop on my thesis and finals, and barely have time to do anything else. I’ll slowly get back to my writing. Thank you for your patience. Love, N. ]

[A/N 2: This was supposed to be a School Reunion type of fic, but I sorta changed it into something else. Hope you like it either way. Might write the other version someday, I just can’t find the inspiration right now.]


Weddings. I’m quite sure that if you looked the word up, you would find something under the lines of a ceremony where two people are united in marriage; A celebration of love and commitment. But that’s not what they only are. They are also a wonderful opportunity for showing off fancy clothes, and catching up with old friends. Sometimes friends you thought you’d never see again. Friends like Henry. Who you haven’t seen or talked to in ages. And who you thought had forgotten all about you long ago.

“Damn, is that Henry?” Your friend asked carefully tugging on your arm, making you turn your head to look in the same direction she was looking at.

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IT’S ALL COMING BACK TO ME NOW- Chris Evans x Actress!Reader

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (49)

[Slightly inspired by the song of the same name…]

-Did not proof read, I apologize in advance.-

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THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (50)

“Hey you!” Y/N said welcoming the two muscular figures walking out of the elevator. “How was it?” She asked watching as Sam almost dragged Bucky back into the compound.

“What do you think?” He questioned clearly tired of dealing with Bucky.

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bucky barnes fanfic bucky barnes imagine bucky barnes x reader bucky barnes imagines bucky barnes fanfiction

Anonymous asked:

Ahh sorry i was the one that sent 21, 29 and the maybe 47 which you dont have to do but uhhh i forgot to add💙Henry Cavill💙 as choice, sorry!

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (51)

hangonimwriting answered:

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (52)


21. “Is that my shirt?”

29. “Stop with that stupid grin thing.”

47. “You’re drunk.”


A/N: Hi! Sorry it’s quite short, hope you like it. Thank you for requesting. (Probably not what you expected haha)

Just like every friday night, you were out taking Kal for a walk before dinner. Henry was about to take a shower when you left. You thought he might have already finished by now, so you decided it’d be better to head back home. The sky was clear, but the wind blew colder than ever making you shiver.

Kal started running toward the front door once he saw your home. Keeping up with him, you took your keys out of you pocket and opened the front door. Kal was the first to get inside, you followed him suit. Hanging you keys a few feet away from the door you turned around looking for any sign of the men of the house.

You heard some noise coming from what you thought was the kitchen and decided to follow it. Kal was already lying on the floor right beside the kitchen-isle. What your eyes saw next almost made you choke.

Is that my shirt?” You asked.

“No, it’s not.” He said looking in the mirror.

“Yes, yes it is.” You chuckled.

“But you are smaller than me. It wouldn’t fit if it was actually yours…” He reasoned.

“It’s an oversized shirt Henry. And It seems a bit tight on you. Can you even breath? I feel like one of the buttons might just pop out any moment.” You told him, a smile on your face.

“Well, you are always wearing my shirts, why can’t I wear one of yours?” He said. “Stop with that stupid grin thing.”

You’re drunk.” You told him.

“No, I’m not. I just… I wanted to know how you felt whenever you wore my clothes. I was curious, ok?” He admitted making you laugh.

“You want to know how I feel?” You asked him wrapping your arms around his waist. “Like this. Like you’re wrapping your arms around me. Keeping me warm. Caressing me. While your smell follows me wherever I go.”

“That sounds nice, is that why you always wear the while I’m away?”

“Yup. That way I miss you a tiny little less.”

“Is that how you feel now?”

“Not exactly…” He admitted.

“How do you feel?” You asked him.

“Well… It is a little tight.” He stated. “I don’t think I could do much without ripping it.”

“I agree.” You said. “I wouldn’t like that. Maybe you should take it off.” You proposed raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You little perv” He said covering himself with his arms. “What did I marry into?”

“What did you marry into? More like, what did I marry into?” You told him leaving the room.

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (53)


This got me chuckling, Henry wearing his wide shirt. I can picture it out him ripping it and all the buttons flying everywhere.


Hey! How are you? Thank you so much for reblogging!! I’m glad you liked it 😊💙

THE SHIRT / Henry Cavill x Reader (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5599

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.