[Tool][Guide] All In One Bedwars Guide for 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 (2024)


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[Tool][Guide] All In One Bedwars Guide for 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 (2)raspry

The Foundation F Member

Mar 31, 2020
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  • Mar 31, 2020
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Escape_Artist said:

[Tool][Guide] All In One Bedwars Guide for 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 (3)

Hello Hypixel Community!

I welcome you to my Ultimate Bedwars Guide. In this guide, you will learn the skills, techniques and strategies required to win a Bedwars game successfully. But before we dive straight into it, I would like to introduce myself and explain why I am qualified to write this guide. My name is Escape_Artist, and I have been playing Minecraft since 2015. I have played over 500 games, and I've won 200 of them, so I pretty much know what I'm talking about. I should also be clear on a few things before we start. This guide is very lengthy, so I would recommend you skim through it and look at your weak areas. Also, the tips I provide are based on my play-style and opinions, which may be different for everyone. Let's get started!
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In the Early Stage of the game, it is critical to gather resources first and begin to secure your bed before you do anything else. You only have one bed, and that bed is what makes you respawn after you die, so it is essential to learn what kind of defence your bed requires. With that said, I will begin with our first segmant, Bed Defence.
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There are many ways to secure your bed; however, I will only be showing you three practical ways. The first will be the Cost-Effective Bed. The second will be the Expensive Bed. The third will be the Reinforced Bed. All methods protect against TNT and will require as many tools possible to break. I will break down each layer and analyse why it is used and how long it takes to break starting from the inside and working our way out. I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each design as well as provide tips and costs to go along.

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In the hidden images above, you can see the Cost Effective Bed from the inside and the outside. This bed is highly recommended if your team is not playing together in a party as it is relatively easy to obtain the resources (alone) required to build the defence.​

  1. FOURTH LAYER: Blast-proof glass is used to protect against TNT explosions but requires no tools to break effectively.
    Breaking TIme:
  2. THIRD LAYER: Wooden planks are used to slow down the enemy once the first two layers have been penetrated and require an axe to break effectively.
    Breaking TIme:
    Diamond axe:0.4s
  3. SECOND LAYER: Endstone acts as a hard shell to the main body of the defence as it takes a long time to break even with an efficient tool like a pickaxe.
    Breaking TIme:
    Diamond pickaxe:0.6s
  4. FIRST LAYER: Wool serves as a time barrier since most players do not purchase sheers and find themselves in a tough position when confronted with wool as it takes a comparably long time to break without the appropriate tool, giving you a time advantage.
    Breaking TIme:


  • Requires all tools to break efficiently, slowing down the enemy and depleting much need resources in the early game.
  • Relatively Cheap.
  • Easy to build, access and recognise where enemies are breaking from.
  • ONLY the core is resistant to TNT and other explosive attacks.


  • It has an extensive structure which could obstruct your view and give your enemy an advantage.
  • It gives your enemy stealth as it is virtually impossible to hear the blocks break unless you are incredibly close to the bed. (The glass makes a distinguished sound when broken but gives you little time to react)
  • ONLY the core is blast-proof, therefore making it vulnerable to attacks from TNT and other explosives from the outside. This also means that the defence could catch on fire and obstruct your view or even kill you.


  • 64 + 48 = 112 Iron
  • 8 Gold


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Next Up will be the Expensive Bed. The reason I call this "Expensive" is that it requires a substantial number of resources to construct. Because of that, I only recommend it be used when your team is playing in a party as you can share resources. In the images above, you can see the inside and the outside of the design as well as the materials involved. Despite that, this is still a reliable and stable defence and should last a very long time if treated properly.​

  1. FOURTH LAYER: Wooden planks are the only thing standing between life and death when using this design (If it's the last layer of course). The reason Wooden planks are used here is to slow down the enemy and deplete their much-needed resources during the early game. This is because an axe is required to break the wood efficiently and the axe costs resources.
    Breaking TIme:
    Diamond axe:0.4s
  2. THIRD LAYER: Endstone is the hard shell material which protects the weak wooden plank underneath. It too slows down the enemy and depletes their much-needed resources during the early game. This is because a pickaxe is required to break the wood efficiently and the axe costs resources.
    Breaking TIme:
    Diamond pickaxe:0.6s
  3. SECOND LAYER: Wool serves as a time barrier since most players do not purchase sheers and find themselves in a tough position when confronted with wool as it takes a comparably long time to break without the appropriate tool, giving you a time advantage.
    Breaking TIme:
  4. FIRST LAYER: Blast-proof glass is used to protect against TNT explosions but requires no tools to break effectively. It is placed strategically on the outside to alert you, and your team of a possible penetration as the glass makes a highly distinguishable sound when broken which should give you enough time to react and neutralise the enemy.
    Breaking TIme:


  • Requires all tools to break efficiently, slowing down the enemy and depleting much need resources in the early game.
  • Easy to build, access and recognise where enemies are breaking from as the glass needs to be broken to penetrate the surfaces underneath. When the glass is broken, it produces a sound which should alert you and your team and give you enough time to react to the threat.
  • ONLY the outside layer is resistant to TNT and other explosive attacks.


  • Expensive to build and maintain if the damage is done from the inside.
  • It has an extensive structure which could obstruct your view and give your enemy an advantage.
  • ONLY the outside is blast-proof, therefore making it vulnerable to attacks from TNT and other explosives once the Blast Proof glass is broken. This means that if the enemy manages to break the glass and successfully ignite TNT or charge a fireball, they could gain access to the inside of your defence, leaving it very vulnerable.This also means that the defence could internally catch on fire and obstruct your view or even kill you.


  • 64 + 64 + 36 = 164 Iron
  • 4 Gold


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This harmonious fountain of protection looks pretty neat and should provide a beacon of hope to you and your team. I call it the "Reinforced bed" because it contains the secret block OBSIDIAN. This block is tough to break and is purchased only to be used if you are in the mid to late stages of the game. Do not worry if you do not collect enough resources in the early stage. You will not be left at a disadvantaged position, but please choose wisely! If you don't have enough resources for this, you can always go to the ones mentioned above. In the images above, you can see the inside and the outside of the design as well as the materials involved inside. This, of course, comes with a hefty price tag of 8 EMERALDS forcing you to build connections outside of your base, which may invite unwanted attention.​

  1. FOURTH LAYER: Obsidian is used to increase the breaking time for this block giving your team time to react if an enemy is near. Obsidian is also blast-proof, so it is safe against TNT and other projectiles.
    Breaking TIme:
    Diamond Pickaxe:9.4s
  2. THIRD LAYER (interchangeable): Wooden planks are used here because generally speaking, by the time you have obtained eight emeralds, you will probably have a lot of leftover gold to purchase wood. This makes the design very cost-effective. Other than that, I don't see any reason to why wood is used in this design. So please feel free to change this if you prefer [Tool][Guide] All In One Bedwars Guide for 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 (4)
    Breaking TIme:
    Diamond axe:0.4s
  3. SECOND LAYER: Blast-proof glass is used to protect against TNT explosions but requires no tools to break effectively. It is placed strategically on the outside to alert you, and your team of a possible penetration as the glass makes a highly distinct sound when broken which should give you enough time to react and neutralise the enemy. Also, It protects against TNT and projectiles which protect everything underneath concealing your obsidian.
    Breaking TIme:
  4. FIRST LAYER: Water is used here to significantly slow down or disable the enemy while he attempts to penetrate your bed.
  • The wool barrier on the rim of the defence is there to keep the water from spilling


  • Extremely Hard to break and penetrate.
  • Blast-proof core.
  • Slows down and frustrates the enemy [Tool][Guide] All In One Bedwars Guide for 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 (5)
  • Looks cool
  • The element of Surprise: Requires a high tear pickaxe to break correctly, therefore concealing it with blast-proof material is key.


  • It has an extensive structure which could obstruct your view and give your enemy an advantage.
  • The sound of water may mask the sounds of blocks breaking, which gives your enemy stealth.
  • May sometimes slow you down.
  • Requires outside connections which may invite unwanted attention.


  • 64 + 40 = 104 Iron
  • 48 Gold
  • 8 Emeralds


Our final part on Bed Defence is about traps and how they will give you the upper hand in the struggle to defend your bed. You can purchase traps from the Upgrades section (the second shopkeeper) for only one diamond. However, the more traps you have active, the more diamonds you will have to pay for the next one. Below I will be going through each trap and analysing the disadvantages and advantages.

1. It's a trap!" temporarily blinds and slows your enemy for a full 8 seconds. It also notifies you when the trap has been triggered. This will give you plenty of time for your team to react if you are near the bed. I would highly recommend you purchase this one trap.


  • Alerts you of enemy presence near your base.
  • Temporarily Disables your enemies senses for 8 seconds, giving you time to react.


  • If none of your team is present at the base, the trap will be ineffective.
  • Does not reveal invisible enemies

2. "Counter-Offensive Trap" temporarily supplies Speed I and Jump Boost II for 10 seconds to you and your team who have to be near your base to receive this upgrade.


  • Alerts you of enemy presence near your base.
  • Grants your team effective stimulus to respond to the threat.


  • If none of your team is present at the base, the trap will be ineffective.
  • Does not slow down the enemy
  • Does not reveal invisible enemies

3. "Alarm Trap" reveals invisible players as well as their name and team. This gives your team a heads up that an invisible player has entered the base, and your team should respond accordingly by looking for tools that are visible by the attacker or invisible footsteps. You could also try hitting randomly in the air.


  • Alerts you of enemy presence near your base.
  • Alerts you of invisible enemy presence near your base.
  • Gives you the name and team of the attacker (not useful)


  • If none of your team is present at the base, the trap will be ineffective.
  • Does not slow down the enemy.

4. "Miner Fatigue Trap" Gives your enemy a good dose of Mining Fatigue for 10 full seconds giving you plenty of time to react to the threat.


  • Alerts you of enemy presence near your base.
  • Slows down the enemy significantly.


  • If none of your team is present at the base, the trap will be ineffective.
  • Does not reveal invisible enemies.

Tips and Tricks:

  • As a general rule, make sure one member of your team is present at your base, at any given moment. This means you can quickly carry out a counter-attack against the enemy and neutralise them.
  • You should never leave your island until your bed is secure.
  • If TNT has been dropped on your bed, please stay as considerably far away from it until it has exploded. I highly suggest you do this because once TNT explodes, it can send you and your teammates flying into the void and can reduce your effectiveness to kill the enemy. Once the TNT has detonated, you must race to the bed and kill the enemy before they destroy your bed. If you have used my bed designs, the chances of TNT causing severe damage to your bed is minimal.
  • Getting your teammates to donate resources such as iron and gold will significantly reduce the time to assemble the bed, giving you more time to do much more aggressive things like raiding another bed.
  • If you are team is not playing as a party, you must ask your teammates if only you can build on the bed. I do this to avoid incompatibilities with other bed designs. Imagine how frustrating it is when your teammates just randomly place wool on your defence.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What if I don't like any of the designs mentioned above?

That's okay; you can always create your own design. However, they need to meet the following criteria: Design must protect against TNT and explosive projectiles, the design must be easily accessible; it should be affordable and must slow down the enemy. You could also incorperate ideas from the designed mentioned to your own ideas!

2. Why shouldn't I place water all over my base/bed?

Water does slow your enemy, but it also slows you down too! Also, it's costly, so I would strongly advise against placing it during the early/mid stage of the game.

3. What about Ladders?

Ladders are a bit tricky. I don't like them because they don't make the bed very accessible as you sometimes can accidentally climb up them. Plus, they are weak and can easily be broken.

4. What about Hardened Clay?

Hardened Clay is cheaper than Endstone, but it's soft like butter; therefore, I would strongly urge you not to use it as it makes your build vulnerable.

5. Should I build a wall all around my base?

Depends on what the wall is made out of. If it's made out of Blast-proof glass, that would be awesome and would help you a lot. But keep in mind that would be expensive. Building a wall out of any other material will obstruct your view.

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The Diamond Generators are necessary to properly equipping your teammates to fight your opponents and raid bases efficiently. Diamond Generators generate diamonds (obviously), and there are 4 of them on any map. Diamonds can only be used in TEAM UPGRADES section (Second Shopkeeper) and offer a wide range of upgrades to you and your team. All purchases bought from the TEAM UPGRADES sections affect all of your team; hence choosing which upgrades to buy is necessary. Nevertheless, there is a high risk when building to a Diamond Generator, and that risk will be your opponents. Your rivals will also be building to these generators, so please make sure your bed is secure before you start building. Now I will be going through each upgrade and analyse what it does, and if it's worth the buy.

"Sharpened Swords" gives your entire team permanent Sharpness I on all swords and axes. This is great for PVP combat and getting final kills, and I highly support it during the early/mid game as id give you and your team a substantial advantage.

Cost: 8 Diamonds

"Reinforced Armor I" provides your entire team Protection I on your armour. Personally, I would not get this upgrade during the early/mid stages in the game as it's tier is very low to have a significant impact on your PVP performance.

Cost: 5 Diamonds

"Maniac Miner I" gives your entire team a permanent does of Haste I. This enchant will speed up the time to break blocks, therefore, giving the enemy less time to react if you are spotted. I strongly recommend you purchase the first tier for early/mid game base raids as it will help counter the "It's a trap" trap which your enemies would have probably purchased. With that said, the second tier of this enchant is also very useful; however would cost more diamonds, and for that reason, I would strongly advise against it (during the early stage). Instead, save up your Diamonds for something else. This upgrade goes excellently with "Sharpened Swords."

Cost: 4 Diamonds

"Iron Forge I" boosts the generation of resources by 50%, therefore, giving your team more resources to operate. This upgrade is relatively cheap but isn't necessary for the early stages of the game as you don't need many resources. This upgrade may be beneficial in the future.

Cost: 4 Diamonds

"Heal Pool" creates a regeneration field around your base which will regenerate health to your team. The healing process takes time, so you'd be better off buying a golden apple and saving your diamonds.

Cost: 3 Diamonds

"Dragon Buff" gives your team an extra dragon during the deathmatch stage. The upgrade is useless for the early stage of the game and should never be purchased. Most games do not go beyond the deathmath stage, this is why I render this upgreade useless.

Cost: 5 Diamonds

"Buy a trap" reveals a portal to purchasing traps that will show incoming invaders. Please go to the section above for more on traps.

Tips and tricks:

  • First-tier diamond generators produce 1 diamond every 30 seconds. This means that it would take 6 minutes for 12 diamonds to generate at the diamond generators to buy "Sharpened Swords" and "Maniac Miner" upgrades which I highly recommend. This time could be cut in half if you build to two diamond generators.
  • Ask your teammates which upgrades they prefer before you buy. Also, ask them to share their diamonds.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does the "Health Pool" upgrade also give health to enemies?

Not sure. If you know, please let tell me. I would probably guess no.

2. Do the upgrades affect enemy bases if I purchase them there?

Upgrades like "Iron Forge", "Heal Pool" and "Buy a trap" only affect your base. For example, If I was in the blue team, but I was buying "Iron Forge" from Yellow team's base, the "Iron Forge" upgrade would only affect my Blue Teams forge, not the Yellow teams forge.

3. Do I lose upgrades if I die?

No. they are permanent.

That concludes my Diamond Generator Segment. Hopefully, you've learned which upgrades to purchase so next game you can have the upper hand. Next up will be the Emerald Generators.

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Emerald Generators are extremely important if you want the best possible advantage in the mid stage. The Generators are located in the centre of the map. Typically there are 3 emerald generators but this varies for each map. Emeralds can be only be used in the Item Shop (First Shopkeeper). I will be going into depth on how to use Emeralds Effectively during the mid stage.

  • "Invisibility Potion" is the best thing you could buy with Emeralds. The potion makes you invisible for 30 seconds, but it leaves visible footsteps which may reveal your whereabouts. I always buy the invisibility potions because they make breaking beds a heck of a lot easier (as they can't see you coming). The potion does not hide tools such as axes, pickaxes and swords so make sure you are in cover when breaking a bed. This also goes well with "Magic Milk", "Jump V Potion" and "Speed II potion".
    2 Emeralds
  • "Jump V potion" gives you a good dose of Jump V for 45 seconds. Jumping is useful as you can use take advantage of the "Hit and Jump" tactic. "Hit and Jump" is a technique I use when engaging enemies. Basically what you do is you hit an enemy once then jump so that the enemy can't hit you back. You do this until you have killed the player. If you are an advanced player, you could land more than one hit on the enemy before jumping. Additionally, This potion goes well with "Invisibility Potion" as continually jumping with the effect on will reduce how many invisible footsteps the enemy can see giving you more stealth.
    1 Emerald
  • "Speed II" gives you Speed II. It is handy for outrunning your enemies or return to your base quickly. I will recommend buying this only if you have enough emeralds or if you are rushing an enemy; otherwise, it's not beneficial.
    Cost: 1 Emerald
  • "Bridge Egg" speedily builds a bridge to whatever direction you throw it at. It's not very useful if your enemy already has a bridge to their base because throwing it alerts your enemy to an incoming attack giving them plenty of time to counter-attack. Not recommended.
    1 Emerald

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What about Permanent Diamond Armour?

Diamond Armour cost 6 emeralds and isn't ideal for the early or mid game. Instead, you should buy potions or save up to cover your bed with obsidian. With that said, if your bed is broken, you should definitely go for it but make sure you have some armour upgrades.

2. What about Diamond Sword?

Diamond Sword cost 3 emeralds and isn't ideal for the early or mid game because it's not permanent and you will lose it once you die. With that said, a Diamond Sword is beneficial to defend yourself if your bed has been destroyed. Make sure you purchase "Sharpened Swords" to go along with it.

3. What about Ender Pearls?

Ender pearls cost 4 emeralds and aren't ideal for the early or mid stage as they are costly and are very hard to throw accurately. They also alert your enemies to your presence as they produce a "shwoop" sound.

4. What should I generally do with Emeralds?

You should either buy obsidian to secure your bed or buy potions to destroy other peoples bed.

Hopefully, you now know what to buy with emeralds during the early and mid stage. Our next segment will be about Inventory and Strategy.

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Inventory and Strategy only be discussed when your bed is secure, and all necessary upgrades have been purchased. In this segment, you will be given guidance on what to have on your person at all times during the early and mid stage and the different strategies on how to dismantle the enemies defence and destroy their bed successfully. Let's start with inventory.

Firstly your Hot-bar consists of 9 slots. By default two have already been taken up by the Default Wooden Sword and Compass. You can free up one extra slot by moving your compass to your secondary inventory. Now you have 8 available slots. Generally speaking at this point of the game, you should be focusing on killing enemies and destroying beds; therefore, the items you should have in your inventory should revolve around achieving those two goals.

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Your typical attack inventory should include:

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  1. A combat weapon: Any sword preferably with Sharpness I. Cost: (8 Diamonds)
  2. Blocks: 64 wool should be enough. (You could always buy more) Cost: 16 Iron
  3. Pickaxe: Any pickaxe preferably with Haste I or a higher tier. Minumum Cost: 10 Iron (+ 4 Diamonds)
  4. Axe: Any pickaxe preferably with Haste I or a higher tier. Minumum Cost: 10 Iron (+ 4 Diamonds)
  5. Shears: to break and collect wool effectively Cost: 20 Iron
  6. TNT: To collapse enemy defences Cost: 8 Gold
  7. Golden apple: to heal Cost: 3 Gold
  8. Magic Milk: Most people don't know about "Magic Milk" because it is hidden in the Utilities Section. Magic Milk is my best friend because it does not set off traps which give you stealth and time to break the bed (Lasts for only 40s). Cost: 4 Gold

Total Cost: 56 Iron + 15 Gold (+ 12 Diamond)

  • (OPTIONAL: Knockback Stick) Very fun to see people fly off into the void. Very useful for final kills. Cost: 5 Gold
  • (OPTIONAL: Invisibility Potion) The potion makes you invisible for 30 seconds, but it leaves visible footsteps which may reveal your whereabouts. Cost: 2 Emerald
  • (OPTIONAL: Jump V Potion) useful for avoiding enemies Cost: 1 Emerald
  • (OPTIONAL: Bed Bug) helpful in distracting the enemy because it has a tiny hitbox making it a challenging target to kill. However, it reveals your location. Cost: 40 Iron
  • (OPTIONAL: Dream Defender) Spawns a bulky iron golem to kill/distract your foe. The golem will distract the enemy team while you are performing the raid; however, you will be obviously revealing yourself which is not stealthy. Cost: 120 Iron
  • (OPTIONAL: Compact Pop-up Tower) Constructs a tower where you place it. A very distracting tool if used on an enemy base. Goes well with "Invisibility Potion." Cost: 24 Iron

Your typical defence inventory should include:

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  1. A combat weapon: Any sword with Sharpness I. Minumum Cost: (8 Diamonds)
  2. Blocks: 64 wool should be enough. (You could always buy more) Cost: 16 Iron
  3. Pickaxe: Any pickaxe preferably with Haste I or a higher tier. Minumum Cost: 10 Iron (+ 4 Diamonds)
  4. Axe: Any pickaxe preferably with Haste I or a higher tier. Minumum Cost: 10 Iron (+ 4 Diamonds)
  5. Shears: to break and collect wool effectively Cost: 20 Iron
  6. Fireball: To blow up bridges and other blocks to prevent players movement. Cost: 40 Iron
  7. Golden apple: to heal Cost: 3 Gold

Total Cost: 64 + 32 = 96 Iron + 3 Gold (+ 12 Diamond)

  • (OPTIONAL: Knockback Stick) Very fun to see people fly off into the void. Very useful for final kills. Cost: 5 Gold
  • (OPTIONAL: Dream Defender) Spawns a bulky iron golem to kill/distract your foe. Cost: 120 Iron
  • (OPTIONAL: Compact Pop-up Tower) Constructs a tower where you place it. I don't recommend you use this on small maps as it could obstruct your view. Cost: 24 Iron

Now on to strategy. I will be showing you two effective strategies to destroy a bed.

1. First, the "Magic Milk Sneaky Strat." This involves purchasing Magic Milk for the Utilities Section, buying a pickaxe/axe and going to the enemies base to break the bed.


  • Doesn't set off the enemy trap.
  • Cheap.
  • Sometimes Effective.
  • Good for early game.
  • Gives you stealth.


  • Doesn't make you invisible

2. Secondly, the "Invisi Break Strat." This involves a high power pickaxe/axe along with the "Invisible Potion" that can be bought from the Potions Section. A high power pickaxe/axe is valued as any tools you wield will be revealed to the enemy, this means that you will need a stronger pickaxe to reduce the time to break blocks which will reduce your exposure. This is why "Jump V Potion" goes well with this strategy as it reduces the number of footsteps (when jumping). Drinking "Magic Milk" before the invisibility potion will not set off any trap.

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  • Makes you invisible.
  • Gives you incredible stealth.
  • Doesn't set off the enemy trap.
  • Excellent for early and mid game.


  • Expensive.
  • Leaves visible tools and footsteps.

Thirdly, the most common strategy. The "Build Bridge and Blow" strategy suggests that you sky bridge to your enemies base equipped with TNT and other explosives. Once you've built over their bed, you can fall down to place the TNT or place it above the bed. Then once the TNT explodes you go in for their bed.


  • Cheap.
  • Sometimes Effective.
  • Good for early, mid and late game.


  • The enemy can see you coming; therefore, they have plenty of time to react.
  • You can get blasted off the bridge.
  • If you are building directly to their base from your base, the enemy could gain access to your base.
  • If there is Blast-proof glass, the strategy becomes ineffective.
  • Does not make you invisible.
  • If you build up too high, the TNT might detonate mid air!

[Scenario: Bed has been destroyed]: If you are in the early/mid stage and for whatever reason, your bed has been destroyed, here's some advice that can help you:

  • Buy a lot of Golden Apples to heal you because the team who destroyed your bed will finish you. So it is essential to heal up after combat, so you are prepared to face the next threat.
  • Buy a lot of Fireballs to blow up bridges. The easiest way to kill someone and to get resources for free is to blow them while they are crossing a bridge.
  • Max out your tools to break beds quickly. You will need high tier tools to break enemy beds quickly, avoiding exposure is very important when your bed is gone. (Not necessary if all other beds are broken)
  • Upgrade armour and Sword to gain PVP advantage. Leveling up your Sword and Armour is excellent because you will take less damage but deal more damage.
  • Make sure to take out all other beds to level out your enemy. Breaking all the other beds will frustrate your opponents and keep them at the same level as you.

[Scenario: Cheater in game]: If there is a cheater in your game, here's some advice that can help you:

  • First and Foremost report that player by using the /report command and fill in the forum.
  • Buy a lot of Golden Apples to heal you before, and after fighting with a cheater as the more health, you have the longer you can last in a PVP fight with a cheater.
  • When fighting with a cheater, make your moves unpredictable to throw off his cheats.
  • Buy a lot of Fireballs to blow up bridges that the cheater is crossing. Most likely, the cheater won't turn on his flight cheat in time.
  • Make sure to take out the cheater team's bed first.
  • Make sure to call out the cheater to your teammates.
  • DO NOT use cheats to counter the cheaters cheats. Just because someone is hacking doesn't mean you should download cheats too! Keep your cool and work on taking the cheater out.
  • DO NOT work with other teams to target the cheater's team. That is called teaming and is a bannable offence.
  • DO NOT use inappropriate words towards the cheater. That's not what we do here.

Tips and tricks:

  • Remember, when you die, you lose all your stuff except your permanent armour and any permanent tools you have purchased. You do not lose your sword; instead, you spawn with your default one. Also, when you respawn, your permanent tools spawn with you but with a lower tier than the one you had before you died. If you had the lowest tier of tools, don't worry, they stay with you. This does not apply for Shears, as they only have one tier.
  • Make sure to drop any resources if you fall into the void as your enemy can receive them once you die.
  • If you are being chased by an enemy and are worried about the resources on you, you can drop them somewhere where you can find them later.
  • Remember if you are invisible, any tools that you hold in your hand are still visible to the enemy.
  • Remember TNT ignites automatically and has a fuse length of 4 seconds!
  • If you are being overwhelmed by your enemies during a PVP fight, you can always spam fireballs to back them off. Or you could use the Knockback stick if you bought one.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. You haven't not covered all the items and strategies!
    Yes, I haven't covered all of them because that would take forever. I only include the ideas that worked for me.
  2. If these strategies are not right for me, what do I do?
    That's perfectly fine. If these strategies don't work for you, try them again! If they still don't work, create your own or use the parts you like!
  3. I don't understand one of your strategies/suggestions, what do I do?
    If you don't understand one or any of my strategies, reread them. If you still don't understand, please comment on this thread or message me directly and I will directly support you.
  4. What are Scenarios?
    A scenario is a specific example of a situation you will likely come across while playing Bedwars. In the scenario section, I will be providing you will some advice on how to come out on top.

Hopefully, you've learned some new strategies and suggestions so next time you can use them in-game.
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I cannot emphasize enough how crucial teamwork and communication skills are.


Teamwork means collaborating as one to achieve a common goal. You and your team should learn to share resources and to cover each other back. It's recommended that you play bedwars with your friends as that increases compatibility with each other. You and your team should also work together to destroy your opponent's bed and get final kills.


Your communication is vital when it comes to Bedwars. Sharing information about enemies could mean the difference between life and death. If you're in a party, it would be useful if you were in a group call where you could share information very quickly. If you cannot group call, you can always use the in-game chat or the Quick Communications section on the compass. This applies to all teams regardless of whether you're in a party or not. Additionally, learning abbreviations can increase the efficiency of communication in chat. Here are some examples:

  • Inc: Incoming Enemy
  • Invis: Incoming Invisible Enemy
  • Mid: Middle or centre island
  • Dia: Diamond
  • Gen: Generator
  • Emer: Emerald
  • Attck: Attack
  • GBTB: Get back to base

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What if I am muted in-game?
    Use the Quick Communications section on the compass. Nothing else I can suggest.

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Statistically speaking, most players do not make it to the final stages of the game because the game usually ends and a winner is pronounced (Hopefully that's you!). This is why I have decided to focus more on the Early & Mid Stages. If you have managed to survive until the late stage, your bed must be very secure, and your inventory must be stacked. However, this is a double-edged sword; if you're stacked up, your enemy will be too. I can only give you advice on what to do if you're in the Late stage as it's a very unpredictable time.

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  • Make sure your bed is secured with Obsidian if it isn't already.
  • Make sure you have the "Alarm Trap" and "Miner Fatigue Trap" purchased to protect against incoming attack. (Only buy these if you still have your bed)
  • Make sure you have a lot of fireballs, golden apples and dream defenders on your person to defend yourself.
  • Make sure "Dragon Buff" upgrade is equipped to increase your chances of surviving the deathmatch.
  • Make sure your armour and sword are maxed out.
  • If there are a few minutes left till all beds are destroyed, and your bed is destroyed, but your opponent's bed isn't. Consider waiting until their bed is destroyed because the risk isn't worth it.
  • If you've reached the deathmatch stage, try avoiding the dragon and move unpredictably to reduce your chances of dying.

[Scenario: Isolationist Strategy]: What if my opponent has not built to any islands? How can I be safe while building? Isolationist teams are difficult to engage as they will probably be stacked up with projectiles. Here is some advice on how to engage them:

  • You must have a teammate back you up and alert you if there are incoming projectiles.
  • You should use the "Bridge Egg" to build a platform to the opponents base.
  • You should also spam the enemies base with Fireballs as that would set off fire and create chaos. You could also use "Invisibility Potion" combined with "Magic Milk."

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Thank you for reading this extensive and sophisticated all in one guide for bedwars. I have worked carefully to produce it, and I hope it has benefited you in some way. If you appreciate my help, please like and comment on this thread. That would be much appreciated.

General Questions:

  1. Should I be scared If I see you in-game?
    I can't answer that question. But if you do see me in-game, please say hi and let me know that you've read my guide. Maybe I'll think twice about taking your life.
  2. I've spotted a mistake. What should I do?
    Please let me know as soon as possible so I can correct it. You can either Directly Message me in the forum or comment a quote of the mistake so I can identify what it is.
  3. I have a suggestion. What should I do?
    Please Directly Message me for suggestions. If I think the idea is appropriate, I will make sure to include it and credit you for it.
  4. Why did you make this guide?
    I love Bedwars, but most importantly, I wanted to help my community and share my knowledge and experience with others so they can enjoy the game too!
  5. Could we expect anything like this from you again?
    Maybe, I'll have to think about it.
  6. What were you hoping to achieve by creating this guide?
    I was hoping to benefit New and Experienced Bedwars players so they could enjoy the game. Also, I want to get the thread pinned.
  7. How can I help?
    You can help by sharing, liking and commenting on this post.
  8. There are a lot of spelling mistakes?!
    No. It's just that I use British Spelling instead of American Spelling

Thank you all for reading to the end. I know it was very long.

There's a lot of good parts about this, but there's also a lot of poop about it. I couldn't read the whole thing since it's so long (and ik you spent a WHOLE lotta time on this so great job on that!) but seriously: Why would you have GLASS as the first layer covering the bed? That literally does nothing. Just saying. Glass takes almost nothing to break so if they tnted, they would just jump down and break it as usual.

[Tool][Guide] All In One Bedwars Guide for 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.