20 Most Common Hotel Assistant Manager Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Congratulations! You’ve been invited to an interview for a hotel assistant manager position. It’s a great opportunity, and you want to make sure that you ace it.

But before you can start running the show at your dream hotel, you have to answer some questions from the hiring manager. To help you prepare, we’ve put together this list of common hotel assistant manager interview questions—with advice on how to answer them effectively. Read on, and get ready to rock your interview!

Common Hotel Assistant Manager Interview Questions

  • What experience do you have in managing a hotel?
  • Describe your approach to customer service and how it has helped improve guest satisfaction ratings.
  • How would you handle a situation where a guest is unhappy with their stay?
  • Explain the importance of maintaining accurate records for all guests, staff members, and financial transactions.
  • What strategies do you use to ensure that all employees are following safety protocols?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to manage a difficult employee situation.
  • How do you motivate staff members to provide excellent customer service?
  • What steps do you take to ensure that all areas of the hotel are clean and well-maintained?
  • Are you familiar with any hospitality software programs or systems?
  • How do you handle complaints from guests regarding noise levels or other disturbances?
  • What strategies do you use to maximize revenue and occupancy rates?
  • Do you have experience working with budgets and forecasting expenses?
  • What methods do you use to monitor and evaluate staff performance?
  • How do you handle conflicts between staff members?
  • What strategies do you use to promote the hotel’s services and amenities?
  • How do you ensure that all staff members are aware of changes in policies and procedures?
  • What strategies do you use to build relationships with vendors and suppliers?
  • How do you handle emergency situations such as power outages or plumbing issues?
  • What strategies do you use to keep up with industry trends and developments?
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as an assistant manager.

1. What experience do you have in managing a hotel?

Hotel assistant managers wear many hats, from overseeing operations to handling customer service issues. To be successful in this role, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of hotel operations, from managing staff and budgets to understanding the needs of guests and responding to their complaints. This question allows recruiters to gauge your level of experience in the hotel industry and how it could benefit the organization.

How to Answer:

Start by giving a brief overview of your relevant experience in the hotel industry. Talk about any positions you’ve held that have given you insight into how hotels operate, such as front desk management or housekeeping supervisor. You can also mention any certifications or training programs you’ve completed related to hospitality and customer service. Finally, focus on the skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate for this role, such as problem-solving abilities, multitasking, and excellent communication skills.

Example: “I have nearly 10 years of experience working in the hospitality industry, with five of those years as a front desk manager and assistant general manager at a large hotel. I have extensive knowledge of hotel operations, from managing staff and budgets to understanding the needs of guests and responding to their complaints. I’m also well-versed in customer service protocols, safety procedures, and best practices for running a successful hotel. I’m confident that my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for this role.”

2. Describe your approach to customer service and how it has helped improve guest satisfaction ratings.

Working as a hotel assistant manager involves a lot of customer service, both in dealing with guests and in interacting with the hotel’s staff. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of customer service and how it’s integral to a successful business. They’ll also want to know how you’ve improved customer satisfaction ratings in the past.

How to Answer:

Talk about your approach to customer service, such as how you strive to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere for guests. You can also mention any specific initiatives or strategies you’ve implemented in the past that have helped improve guest satisfaction ratings, such as instituting an online feedback system or actively responding to reviews on social media platforms. Finally, be sure to highlight any awards or recognitions you’ve received from customers or organizations related to customer service.

Example: “I believe that customer service is paramount in the hospitality industry, and I take every complaint seriously. When a guest has an issue, my first priority is to listen and empathize with them. I always make sure to apologize for any inconvenience they may have experienced, and then work to find a solution. Depending on the situation, I might offer a refund or complimentary upgrade, or simply explain the situation and ensure that their future stays are more enjoyable. My approach to customer service has helped improve guest satisfaction ratings by ensuring that guests feel heard and appreciated.”

3. How would you handle a situation where a guest is unhappy with their stay?

In the hospitality industry, customer service is key. If a guest is unhappy with their stay, it’s important that the assistant manager is able to respond quickly and effectively. The interviewer wants to know that you have the skills to respond to customer complaints in a manner that is both professional and considerate. They also want to make sure that you understand the importance of customer satisfaction and have the ability to take appropriate action to fix any issues.

How to Answer:

First, it’s important to stay calm and listen to the guest. Acknowledge their complaint and apologize for any inconvenience they may have experienced. Then, take steps to address the issue. Ask questions to get a better understanding of what happened and how you can help. Depending on the situation, you could offer a discount or refund, provide a complimentary upgrade, or simply apologize again and explain that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Finally, thank them for bringing the issue to your attention and assure them that you will do everything in your power to ensure they enjoy their future stays.

Example: “If a guest is unhappy with their stay, I always start by listening to their concerns and apologizing for any inconvenience they may have experienced. Then I take steps to address the issue. For example, if there was a problem with the room or service, I would offer a discount or refund, provide a complimentary upgrade, or simply apologize again and explain that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Regardless of the situation, I always thank them for bringing the issue to my attention and assure them that I will do everything in my power to make sure they are satisfied with their future stays.”

4. Explain the importance of maintaining accurate records for all guests, staff members, and financial transactions.

The primary responsibility of a hotel assistant manager is to ensure that all guest, staff, and financial records are accurate and up to date. This is essential for providing good customer service, as well as for compliance with legal and regulatory standards. The interviewer wants to know that you understand the importance of accuracy and accuracy in record keeping and that you can ensure it is maintained.

How to Answer:

When answering this question, you should emphasize the importance of accuracy in record keeping. Explain that accurate records are essential for providing good customer service and for compliance with legal and regulatory standards. You can also discuss how you would ensure accuracy by outlining processes such as double-checking data entry, using automated systems to track information, and regularly reviewing records for errors or discrepancies. Finally, you should mention that accurate records help maintain a high level of trust between the hotel and its guests, staff members, and financial institutions.

Example: “Accurate records are essential for any hotel, as they provide a reliable and up-to-date source of information about guests, staff members, and financial transactions. They help ensure that the hotel is providing good customer service, meeting legal and regulatory requirements, and building trust with its customers. To maintain accuracy in record keeping, I would implement processes such as double-checking data entry, using automated systems to track information, and regularly reviewing records for errors or discrepancies. Ultimately, accurate records help create an efficient, trustworthy environment where everyone feels comfortable.”

5. What strategies do you use to ensure that all employees are following safety protocols?

Hotels are places of public accommodation. It’s the responsibility of the assistant manager to ensure that the hotel is a safe environment for guests and employees. This question is designed to assess whether the candidate has the knowledge and experience to develop and implement strategies to ensure that everyone is following the necessary safety protocols.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should discuss the strategies you have used in the past to ensure that employees are following safety protocols. For example, you could talk about how you conduct regular training sessions with staff to review safety procedures and regulations. You can also mention any initiatives you’ve implemented such as installing cameras or motion sensors around the hotel for added security. Finally, it’s important to emphasize your commitment to safety and how you make sure everyone is aware of their responsibilities when it comes to safety protocols.

Example: “I take safety protocols very seriously, and I have implemented a number of strategies to make sure all employees are following them. First, I conduct regular training sessions with the staff to review safety procedures and regulations. Second, I’ve installed motion sensors and cameras around the hotel for added security. Finally, I make sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities when it comes to safety by sending out monthly emails reminding them of the importance of following safety protocols.”

6. Tell me about a time when you had to manage a difficult employee situation.

The hospitality industry can be a tricky one – there are a lot of different personalities coming together to deliver a great experience to guests. It’s important for a hotel assistant manager to be able to effectively manage difficult employee situations in order to create a successful, welcoming environment for guests. The interviewer is looking to see that you understand the importance of this role and have the skills to handle tough situations.

How to Answer:

Start by providing a brief overview of the situation and what made it difficult. Then, explain how you handled it – did you have a one-on-one conversation with the employee? Did you speak to their supervisor or HR representative? What steps did you take to resolve the issue? Finally, discuss the outcome and any lessons learned from this experience.

Example: “I had to manage a difficult employee situation when one of our housekeeping staff members was engaging in unprofessional behavior. After speaking with the individual, I realized that this was due to a lack of understanding of the expectations and standards for the role. To resolve the issue, I spoke to her supervisor and HR representative to explain the situation and ensure that they provided additional training and guidance on what was expected from them. This ultimately helped the employee understand their responsibilities and improved their performance. From this experience, I learned the importance of having clear guidelines and expectations for all employees so that everyone is on the same page.”

7. How do you motivate staff members to provide excellent customer service?

The hospitality industry is highly competitive, so it’s essential to have a staff that is motivated to provide excellent customer service. This question helps the interviewer determine how well you understand the need to motivate employees in order to ensure customer satisfaction. It also provides insight into your management style and how you use incentives to motivate staff members.

How to Answer:

Start by explaining your understanding of the importance of excellent customer service in the hospitality industry. Then, discuss how you motivate staff members to provide that level of service. You can mention specific strategies such as providing incentives for outstanding performance or creating a positive work environment. Talk about how you have implemented these strategies in past positions and the results they yielded. Finally, explain why you believe it is important to ensure that employees are motivated to deliver exceptional customer service.

Example: “In the hospitality industry, excellent customer service is key to success. I understand that it’s essential to motivate staff members to ensure they are providing a high level of service. To do this, I believe in creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. This can be done through recognizing their efforts and rewarding them for outstanding performance. In my previous role as hotel assistant manager, I implemented incentives such as bonuses and gift cards to reward employees who went above and beyond in delivering exceptional customer service. As a result, we saw an increase in customer satisfaction ratings. I also strive to create a positive work environment by being approachable and supportive of my team members. Overall, I believe that motivating staff members with rewards and creating a positive work atmosphere will lead to better customer service.”

8. What steps do you take to ensure that all areas of the hotel are clean and well-maintained?

Hotel assistant managers are responsible for ensuring that all areas of the hotel are clean and presentable. This means they must manage housekeeping staff, set cleaning schedules, and inspect rooms or other public areas to make sure they are up to standards. This question gives the interviewer a chance to gauge your understanding of the job and your ability to manage a team to keep the hotel running smoothly.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should explain the steps you take to ensure that all areas of the hotel are clean and well-maintained. Talk about how you manage housekeeping staff, set cleaning schedules, and inspect rooms or other public areas. You can also mention any specific methods you have used in the past to ensure the hotel is kept up to standards, such as using checklists or utilizing technology like online scheduling software. Finally, emphasize your ability to lead a team and delegate tasks effectively.

Example: “My approach to ensuring that all areas of the hotel are clean and well-maintained is to first set clear expectations with the housekeeping staff. I make sure they understand the standards that must be met and provide them with the tools they need to do their jobs. I also use online scheduling software to help manage staff and assign tasks efficiently. I regularly inspect the rooms and other public areas to make sure they are up to standards. I am also available to answer questions or provide assistance if needed. Finally, I make sure to provide feedback and recognize the hard work of the staff to keep morale high.”

9. Are you familiar with any hospitality software programs or systems?

Managing a hotel requires a lot of coordination and collaboration between departments. You’ll have to work with vendors, guests, and other staff members to keep the hotel running smoothly. Therefore, it’s important for a potential assistant manager to demonstrate that they have a good understanding of the technology used in the hospitality industry.

How to Answer:

Start by mentioning any experience you have with hotel management software programs. If you don’t have direct experience, talk about your general computer skills and knowledge of different operating systems. Then, discuss how you would go about learning a new system if needed. Finally, explain why you think technology is important in the hospitality industry and how it can help improve customer service.

Example: “I have some experience with hotel management software programs such as Oracle Hospitality and Micros. I’m also well-versed in general computer skills and familiar with different operating systems. If needed, I’m confident I can quickly learn any new software programs that are used by the hotel. I understand that technology is a critical component of the hospitality industry, as it can help improve customer service and streamline operational processes. I’m excited to learn more about the specific software programs and systems used by the hotel and how I can use them to help make the guests’ experience more enjoyable.”

10. How do you handle complaints from guests regarding noise levels or other disturbances?

Hotels are service-oriented businesses, and guest satisfaction is paramount. As an assistant manager, you will be expected to handle complaints from guests in a polite and efficient manner. Interviewers want to know that you can remain calm and professional in the face of challenging customer service situations and that you can take appropriate action to resolve the issue.

How to Answer:

When answering this question, it is important to demonstrate that you understand the importance of customer service and that you can handle complaints in a professional manner. You should explain how you would listen to the guest’s complaint and take appropriate action. Depending on the situation, this could involve talking to other guests or staff members to try to resolve the issue or offering compensation to the affected guest(s). It is also important to show that you are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the guest has a positive experience at the hotel.

Example: “I understand the importance of providing excellent customer service and I take complaints very seriously. I always listen to the guest’s complaint and try to understand the issue from their perspective. I would then take appropriate action to resolve the issue, such as talking to other guests or staff members if necessary, or offering compensation to the affected guest(s). I also strive to ensure that the guest has a positive experience at the hotel, and I am always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that they are satisfied with their stay.”

11. What strategies do you use to maximize revenue and occupancy rates?

Revenue and occupancy rates are key metrics for hotel chains and other hospitality businesses. As an assistant manager, you’ll be expected to understand how to maximize these metrics while still providing a high-quality service to guests. The interviewer is likely looking for evidence that you can think strategically and come up with creative solutions to increase revenue and occupancy rates.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you’ll want to focus on the strategies you have used in the past. Think about how you might use marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, or discounts to attract more guests and increase occupancy rates. You could also talk about how you might leverage data analytics to better understand customer preferences and develop tailored packages that will appeal to them. Additionally, you should discuss how you would ensure that all of your efforts are cost-effective and profitable for the hotel chain.

Example: “In my current role as a hotel assistant manager, I have implemented a variety of strategies to maximize revenue and occupancy rates. I have developed targeted marketing campaigns to attract new customers, as well as loyalty programs to incentivize repeat visits. I have also used data analytics to identify customer preferences and develop tailored packages that appeal to them. In addition, I have worked with the sales team to ensure that all of our efforts are cost-effective and profitable for the hotel chain. I am confident that these strategies have helped to increase our occupancy rates and revenue.”

12. Do you have experience working with budgets and forecasting expenses?

Assistant managers in the hospitality industry have to be prepared to handle a wide range of duties, from customer service and employee management to budgeting and forecasting expenses. Showing that you have experience in all of these areas will help demonstrate your ability to take on the responsibilities of the position.

How to Answer:

Be prepared to provide specific examples of how you have handled budgeting and forecasting in the past. Talk about any experience you have with creating, managing, and monitoring budgets, as well as forecasting expenses for upcoming periods. If you don’t have direct experience in this area, talk about your ability to quickly learn new systems and processes, and emphasize that you are a fast learner who is willing to take on any challenge.

Example: “I have extensive experience working with budgets and forecasting expenses. I have managed budgets for multiple departments in my current role, and I am very familiar with budgeting software and tracking tools. I am also comfortable forecasting expenses for upcoming periods and have done so for the past three years. I am very organized and detail-oriented, so I am confident that I can quickly learn any new systems that may be necessary for this role.”

13. What methods do you use to monitor and evaluate staff performance?

An effective assistant manager must be able to properly evaluate the work of their subordinates, as well as provide constructive feedback when appropriate. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking for an understanding of how you measure success and how you use results to motivate staff. They also want to get an idea of how you might use performance evaluations to identify areas for improvement and develop career paths for staff.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should explain the methods that you use to monitor and evaluate staff performance. This could include things like setting clear expectations for each role, providing regular feedback on performance, conducting one-on-one meetings with staff members to discuss their progress, and using metrics such as customer satisfaction surveys or sales figures to measure success. Additionally, you can mention any additional techniques that you have used in previous roles, such as 360 degree reviews or team-based assessments. Finally, be sure to emphasize your ability to provide constructive criticism while also recognizing employees’ successes.

Example: “I believe that the key to successful staff performance is setting clear expectations and regularly evaluating progress. When I worked as an assistant manager at XYZ Hotel, I used a combination of methods to monitor and evaluate staff. This included regular one-on-one meetings to discuss progress, customer satisfaction surveys to gauge performance, and even team-based assessments to identify areas for improvement. I also made sure to recognize employees’ successes and provide constructive criticism when necessary. I firmly believe that this approach is the best way to ensure that staff are motivated and performing to their highest potential.”

14. How do you handle conflicts between staff members?

Working in a hotel requires a lot of cooperation and teamwork, and while it’s not always easy to get everyone on the same page, it’s important to have a plan in place to handle any disagreements or misunderstandings that may arise. This question is a great way to get an idea of how you would handle a tough situation and how you prioritize customer service and team dynamics.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing the strategies you have in place to prevent conflict, such as regular team meetings and open communication. Then explain how you would handle a situation if it did arise. Focus on your ability to remain calm and professional while finding a resolution that works for everyone involved. Describe your approach to problem-solving and emphasize your commitment to customer service and team dynamics.

Example: “I always strive to create a positive and collaborative work environment by encouraging open communication and regular team meetings. I’m also a firm believer in the importance of setting clear expectations to reduce the chances of misunderstandings. If a conflict does arise, I focus on finding a solution that works for everyone involved. I’m committed to resolving the issue with respect and professionalism, while also keeping customer service at the forefront. My goal is to always find a resolution that is fair and beneficial for all parties involved.”

15. What strategies do you use to promote the hotel’s services and amenities?

Hotel assistant managers are responsible for helping to create a successful and profitable hotel environment. This means that they must have a good understanding of how to promote the hotel’s services and amenities in order to attract guests and keep them coming back. This question gives the interviewer a chance to get a better understanding of your marketing skills and how you would go about promoting the hotel.

How to Answer:

To answer this question, you should have a few strategies in mind that you would use to promote the hotel’s services and amenities. For example, you may mention using social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram to post about the hotel’s offerings and create engaging content for potential guests. Additionally, you can mention creating partnerships with local businesses or organizations to help increase visibility of the hotel. Finally, you can talk about developing promotional campaigns or discounts to attract new customers and encourage repeat business.

Example: “I believe in using a multi-faceted approach to promote the hotel’s services and amenities. I would create engaging content for social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram to increase visibility and attract new customers. I would also work on developing promotional campaigns or discounts to encourage repeat business. Additionally, I would reach out to local businesses and organizations to create partnerships that help promote the hotel. Finally, I would also take advantage of local events and festivals to showcase the hotel’s offerings and draw in more guests.”

16. How do you ensure that all staff members are aware of changes in policies and procedures?

In a hotel, it’s important to keep all staff informed of changes in policies and procedures to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction. The interviewer wants to know how you stay on top of all changes and how you communicate them to your team. They also want to know if you have any strategies for making sure everyone is aware of any new developments in the hotel.

How to Answer:

Talk about any strategies you have for making sure everyone is aware of changes in policies and procedures. You could mention that you like to hold regular team meetings or send out memos to keep staff updated on new developments. Additionally, you can discuss how you make sure all new employees are given an orientation so they understand the policies and procedures from the start. Finally, emphasize your commitment to staying up-to-date with industry trends and keeping staff informed of any changes.

Example: “I believe that communication is key to ensuring that all staff members are aware of changes in policies and procedures. I like to hold regular team meetings to discuss any new developments and give staff the opportunity to ask questions. I also make sure to send out memos summarizing any changes in policies and procedures. To make sure all new employees are up to speed, I ensure they receive an orientation when they first start so they understand the policies and procedures from the beginning. I also make it a priority to stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes so I can react quickly and inform staff of any new developments.”

17. What strategies do you use to build relationships with vendors and suppliers?

As an assistant manager, you’ll be responsible for working with vendors and suppliers to ensure the hotel is stocked with the necessary supplies and materials. You’ll need to be able to build relationships with vendors and make sure they are providing quality services and products at a competitive price. You’ll also need to make sure that the hotel is getting the best possible deal and taking advantage of discounts and other offers. The interviewer wants to know that you can build relationships with vendors, negotiate deals, and ensure the hotel is getting the best value for its money.

How to Answer:

Start by discussing how you build relationships with vendors. Explain that you take the time to get to know them and understand their business needs. Talk about how you use your communication skills to ensure everyone is on the same page and expectations are clear. Mention any strategies you have for negotiating deals or discounts, such as leveraging volume purchasing or offering a long-term contract in exchange for lower prices. Finally, discuss how you stay up to date on market trends so you can make sure the hotel is getting the best value for its money.

Example: “I believe relationship building is key when dealing with vendors and suppliers. I take the time to get to know them and understand their business needs so I can ensure we’re getting the best possible deal. I also use my communication skills to ensure that expectations are clear and that everyone is on the same page. I’ve found that this helps to build trust and loyalty and makes it easier to negotiate better deals. I also stay up to date on market trends and use my knowledge to leverage volume purchasing or offer long-term contracts in exchange for lower prices. Ultimately, my goal is to ensure the hotel is getting the best value for its money.”

18. How do you handle emergency situations such as power outages or plumbing issues?

As a hotel assistant manager, you’re expected to be able to handle emergency situations quickly and efficiently. The interviewer may want to know that you have the ability to think on your feet, assess the situation, and take the necessary steps to get the hotel back up and running. They may also want to know that you understand the importance of customer service and can communicate effectively with guests and staff during these times of crisis.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to explain how you would handle an emergency situation. First, discuss your approach to assessing the situation and determining what needs to be done. Then, talk about how you would communicate with guests and staff to ensure they are taken care of and informed. Finally, explain how you would work with other departments or outside vendors to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Be sure to emphasize your ability to remain calm under pressure and make decisions quickly.

Example: “In the event of an emergency situation, I would immediately assess the situation and determine the steps that need to be taken to resolve it. I would then communicate with guests and staff to ensure they are aware of the situation and are being taken care of. I would also work with other departments and outside vendors to resolve the issue quickly. I have a proven track record of staying calm and making quick decisions in times of crisis, which allows me to efficiently handle emergency situations.”

19. What strategies do you use to keep up with industry trends and developments?

In the hospitality industry, trends come and go quickly and staying ahead of the competition is essential for success. Your interviewer wants to make sure you know how to keep up with the latest industry trends and developments. They’ll be looking for an answer that shows you’re proactive in staying up to date, whether it’s through reading industry publications, attending conferences, or networking with other professionals.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to discuss the strategies you’ve used in the past to stay up to date with industry trends and developments. Talk about any conferences or workshops you’ve attended, industry publications you read, or networking events you’ve gone to. You can also mention any certifications or courses you’ve taken that have helped you stay informed of industry changes. Finally, make sure to highlight any initiatives you’ve taken to share your knowledge with other team members.

Example: “I stay up to date with industry trends and developments by attending conferences, reading industry publications, and networking with other professionals in the industry. I also take advantage of any free online courses or webinars that are available. I make sure to share the knowledge I gain from these events with my team in order to ensure we’re all on the same page and up to date with industry changes. Additionally, I’ve recently taken a certification course in hotel management, which has helped me stay informed of the latest industry trends and developments.”

20. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision as an assistant manager.

This question is asked to determine how well you can think on your feet, handle difficult situations, and make decisions. They want to know that you can be trusted to take the right action quickly and efficiently in the event of a problem or conflict. They’ll also want to know if you can handle the responsibility of being an assistant manager, as this is a key role in the hotel.

How to Answer:

Start by describing the situation and explain why it was difficult. Then, talk about how you made your decision, what steps you took to reach it, and any considerations or factors that played a role in your choice. Finally, discuss the outcome of your decision—was it successful? Did it have any unintended consequences? What did you learn from the experience?

Example: “I was once faced with a difficult decision when I was working as an assistant manager at the hotel. One of our guests had complained about a noise disturbance in the room next door, and I had to decide how to handle the situation. I knew that if I didn’t take action, the guest would be dissatisfied with their stay, but I also had to consider the hotel’s reputation and the safety of our other guests. After taking the time to assess the situation, I decided to move the guest to a different room and address the noise issue. The guest was satisfied with the solution and I was able to maintain the hotel’s reputation and ensure the safety of all our guests. This experience taught me the importance of taking the time to evaluate all options before making a decision.”

20 Most Common Hotel Assistant Manager Interview Questions and Answers (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.